Brandi Archibald CFP CIM Edward Jones


Financial & Investment Services

About Us

As a fourth generation Cranbrook girl, my husband and I chose to raise our family in Cranbrook because of the beauty in the area, the small town feel and the opportunities in the community and surrounding area. I enjoy the proximity of the lakes for kayaking, boating and paddle boarding and the endless places to bike. Fishing, hunting and camping are always only minutes away.
I first came to Edward Jones as an investor in 2005 and then began working in the branch in 2007 as an assistant. I soon discovered that I could help more people in my community by opening my own branch and my new journey began. I am excited to empower my clients to improve their financial well being and simplify the financial world for them.
My team and I look forward to building your personalized financial plan and seeing you grow your wealth

Rep/Contact Info

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Brandi Archibald