Kootenay Truck & Saw

Landscaping, Lawn Care, Snow Removal & Tree ServiceTrucking & TowingWaste Management & Recycling
Mon - Fri: 8AM to 5PM
Sat: 830AM to 1PM
About Us
Our dealership has a rock solid reputation of providing excellent service, support and satisfaction. We pride ourselves on giving our customers the best service available, the best parts and accessories, and a staff that understands all aspects of our business. We offer Chainsaw Services, Delivery Service, Disposal Service, Generator Service, Lawn Tractor Service, Leaf Blower Service, Pickup Service, Power Washer Service, Pre-Season Inspection, Push/Walk-Behind Mower Service, Snowthrower Service, Trimmer Service, Zero-Turn Service.
Full service department servicing all your repairs needs from Briggs Stratton, Kohler, Tecumseh.
Stop in or give us a call (250) 426-6421.